This picture hangs in my living room, at 20×30. I love this picture. These kids were a riot at this wedding, acting like they didn’t want their picture taken but then mugging for the camera as soon as I acted like I was going to take one. Megan and Kevin were married in Megan’s parents’ […]
Yearly Archives: 2013
I remember laughing and laughing the whole day at this wedding. Everyone was very animated and theatrical and funny and energetic. Dena and Chris’ wedding was at the King Ave. United Methodist church and their reception was in the Small Theatre at The Columbus Athenaeum. We stopped at the Union Station Arch for pictures, and […]
There’s nothing I like more than watching people when they don’t think I’m watching. Considering I’m mostly in these types of situations with an obvious camera around my neck and up to my face, it’s amazing to me that people are so willing to let their guard down in front of me. And, for that, […]