Why I Like This Picture – Megan and Kevin

This picture hangs in my living room, at 20×30.  I love this picture.  These kids were a riot at this wedding, acting like they didn’t want their picture taken but then mugging for the camera as soon as I acted like I was going to take one.  Megan and Kevin were married in Megan’s parents’ backyard the night before this was taken, and then held their reception for friends at the New Albany Golf Club the next evening.  They had a fantastic candy bar, with giant apothecary jars filled with a delicious variety of candies for their guests to take home.  Seeing the kids coming toward the candy table, I crouched behind the jars, waiting for the decisive moment.  The look on this kid’s face is hilarious, and the slightly exaggerated camera angle with his hands so prominent, all combine to make this a compelling picture and one worthy of being large on a wall.

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