Why I Like This Picture – Caryn and Judd

There’s nothing I like more than watching people when they don’t think I’m watching.  Considering I’m mostly in these types of situations with an obvious camera around my neck and up to my face, it’s amazing to me that people are so willing to let their guard down in front of me.  And, for that, I am eternally grateful.  It must be my ability to blend into the background, which I guess could be good and bad.

This picture was made at Caryn and Judd’s Detroit wedding at the Detroit Zoo.  We were hanging out in the holding room, waiting for the ceremony to start.  To me, these expressions and the implications are priceless.  Two girls chatting, and one giving a sidelong glance in their direction.  You can’t make this stuff up.  This is my favorite part of this job – when people are just being people.  And ignoring me.

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