Cakes for a Cause 2013 – Mid-Ohio Foodbank

It’s that time of year again when dessert lovers converge on Mid-Ohio Foodbank to bid, silently and noisily, on the many delectable offerings made by some of Columbus’ best artisan bakers.  All the proceeds of those bids go into the foodbank’s coffers to provide meals for our fellow citizens who need assistance with putting food on their tables – a worthy, worthy cause indeed.  What’s more important than eating?  Not much.  We can sometimes take for granted how easily a meal is gained by most of us, but in a tough economy it pays to help those who don’t have it as easy.  The last I’d heard, the amount of money raised in the Cakes for a Cause auctions this year was enough to provide over 22,000 meals.  22,000 meals.  That’s the difference between having a warm dinner and going to bed hungry for over 60 people per day, every day for an entire year.  Just for buying some cake.  Next year, make a plan to attend.  Cakes for a Cause is held in the week before Easter so you’ll have more than ample reason to load up on treats.  Don’t miss it.

The End Dessert Company

Jan Kish of La Petite La Fleur

Two Caterers made little doggie bags of puppy chow for guests. Check out that cute tag.

Alice’s Piece of Cake

Having just won a cake in the live auction

The winner of the Archie Griffin bobblehead cake (by Persona Bakery), sampling Archie’s hair

Mollie and Kelly of Kittie’s Cakes, having won the coveted Golden Spatula for the second year in a row

St. Francis of Assisi Baptism in Columbus Ohio - August 12, 2013 - 2:34 pm

[…] of Assisi. Ann is the Ann of Diva Desserts, and we know each other from our mutual participation in Cakes for a Cause, which benefits Mid-Ohio Foodbank. So, I was thrilled when Ann asked me to photograph this […]

Why I Like This Picture – Jeni and Robbie

A happy picture from a happy day, but, again, sad for those who know.  Robbie, the groom, is in the middle.  Alan, on the right, well, I shot his wedding the year before Jeni (Alan’s sister) and Robbie’s.  Matt, on the left, is the brother of Alan’s wife Jen.  The sad part about looking at this picture now is that Matt’s life was cut waaaaay short by a motorcycle accident a couple years ago.  To sound cliche, it makes you really consider how precious life is and how quickly and mercilessly it can be snatched away.

But, the reason I like this picture centers on Robbie’s expression as he’s chest-bumped by the guys in his new family-by-marriage.  He just looks deliriously happy and carefree, doesn’t he?  I love that.

Why I Like This Picture – Lindsey and Morgan

This picture was made at Lindsey and Morgan’s wedding at Morgan’s parents’ beautiful home in Bexley.  It was a lovely Jewish ceremony and I remember Morgan’s father welcoming me into the chuppah so I could get the best shots from right in the middle of the action.  Now, there’s a man who understands the importance and value of good photographs!

I like this picture because of all the hands and, of course, because of the inquisitive expression of the little girl, trying to get a better view from around mom.  It’s a nice, quiet moment.

F a c e b o o k