Why I Like This Picture – Jeni and Robbie

A happy picture from a happy day, but, again, sad for those who know.  Robbie, the groom, is in the middle.  Alan, on the right, well, I shot his wedding the year before Jeni (Alan’s sister) and Robbie’s.  Matt, on the left, is the brother of Alan’s wife Jen.  The sad part about looking at this picture now is that Matt’s life was cut waaaaay short by a motorcycle accident a couple years ago.  To sound cliche, it makes you really consider how precious life is and how quickly and mercilessly it can be snatched away.

But, the reason I like this picture centers on Robbie’s expression as he’s chest-bumped by the guys in his new family-by-marriage.  He just looks deliriously happy and carefree, doesn’t he?  I love that.

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