The Cake Studio

I don’t know how many of you checked out the Bride Show at Vet’s Memorial yesterday, but Melissa and I made the trip to say hi to our wedding vendor friends and see what’s new and happenin’ with everyone.

The first stop inside the doors of course is Katie Koivisto’s GORGEOUS cakes. The Cake Studio is my very favorite local bakery. Katie makes the most amazing cakes with beautiful, unique designs using richly saturated colors – which I just love! Not only that, but these cakes taste AWESOME!

Katie was displaying some new baked favors at the show yesterday and you should definitely check them out. They come in cute little boxes with cute little ribbons and they look fabulous on the placesettings. I shot a few pictures for Katie and thought I’d share them here. They’re sure to be a huge hit!

Katie and Travis

A cold and very snowy December 15 marked the wedding celebration of Katie and Travis. My second shooter, Karen, and I, and lots of family and friends, braved the elements and had a fabulous time spending the day and evening with the happy couple at Royal American Golf Club. I’d not shot there before and, I have to say, the place is beautiful and Judy, the coordinator, was just awesome to work with.

On to the images!

Isn’t the snow pretty?

The detail on Katie’s dress was just beautiful, as was her engagement ring!

I LOVE this shot!

And this one totally cracks me up.

Katie and Travis decided to see each other before the ceremony and exchange gifts and do some romantic portraits.

Before the ceremony, we hung out some and Katie’s brother and his girlfriend lit the luminarias.

I love this shot of Katie!

I’m a sucker for nice, glowy light!

Time to dance and party!

Travis, seranading Katie. A total riot!

Travis, dancing to Soulja Boy. This guy can dance!!

Thanks to Karen for the great fisheye shots shown here!!

Congratulations, Katie and Travis!!

Kim and KC

OK, I am terribly late in wishing a happy anniversary to Kim and KC! It’s been slightly zooey around here with the holidays and some exciting new things I’m working on for 2008, so my apologies!!

So, Kim and KC were married a year ago December 16 and were the first wedding I blogged on my brand new blog back in January of this year. I have an aversion to sameness, so of course I’m not going to post the same shots I did back then. I’ve decided to post a few from my favorite time of their day – our visit to the Corn City Bar. Kim and KC were married in their hometown up north (otherwise known as the “middle of nowhere!”) and we stopped in this bar on the way to the reception because of course you can always make very cool pictures in unexpected places.

I’m always up for new things and new places, especially in quaint little one-horse towns I don’t usually get to visit. Kim and KC (and her sister and his best man) were up for it too, and we just had a ball. Melissa got the cool shot of the sign and the other two are mine. I love places like this.

So, please please please – if you’re into doing something different, we can come up with the most unique stuff – the stuff that makes your wedding different from eveyone else’s!

Kim and KC, I hope you had the most wonderful one-year anniversary!!

F a c e b o o k