Why I Like This Picture – Sarah and Jared

Number four in my Why I Like This Picture – Website Edition is from Sarah and Jared‘s wedding.  Sarah is the cousin of the brother and sister whose weddings I also photographed, and all of which took place at Grove City United Methodist.  (I like to keep it in the family!)

I love this picture.  Look at the delight on the face of Jared’s mother after Sarah opened a card from Jared.  Have you seen a better expression?!  This picture tells the whole story, and emotion is king.

Why I Like This Picture – Michelle and Mike

Image 3 from my website is from Michelle and Mike’s wedding at Immaculate Conception/Columbus Athenaeum.  I like this picture because of the lines leading to Michelle; the graphic nature of the balusters, along with the lines of the stairs, all softened by the flow of Michelle’s dress and her fluffy flowers – it’s a recipe for deliciousness.  This picture takes up a whole two-page spread in a sample album I show clients from their wedding and it always gets lots of compliments.

During their wedding, we had enough downtime to hang out at their house and have a nice, relaxed portrait session.  The three of us headed upstairs to their bedroom, and as soon as I reached the top of the stairs I knew I had to somehow incorporate them into a picture.  I didn’t end up doing anything posed with it, though; I simply stayed upstairs while Michelle made her way downstairs after our portraits and waited until she was in the perfect position.

Why I Like This Picture – Sara and Steph

Continuing in the Why I Like This Picture series, I’ll be going through the images on my website, commenting on what I like about each image along with some details of how the image came about.

And, why I like this picture is easy:  true emotion evolving in a real moment is impossible not to like.  You can’t fake this kind of stuff and you can’t tell someone to emote like this on cue.  This is where the wait for it, wait for it, waaaaaait for it comes in to play.

This image was from Sara and Steph’s wedding a couple years back.  The morning had a beautiful start – gorgeous sunshine falling down through the trees of Glen Echo Park in Clintonville.  And then, about five minutes before ceremony start time, the clouds opened up and it proceeded to rain for the duration.  Rain and rain and more rain.  I’m glad my cameras are built like tanks.  Waterproof tanks.  So, at the point in the ceremony where rings were to be exchanged, I spotted this image – Steph wiping a raindrop from Sara’s face.  It’s a beautiful, touching moment and the tenderness between them is palpable.

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