Why I Like This Picture – Karen and Zach

The next image in my Why I Like This Picture “website edition” is a recent award-winner from Fearless Photographers.  At the getting-ready portion of Karen and Zach’s wedding day, I alternated spending time with Karen and then with Zach.  During my time with Zach, the guys mostly did nothing, which is not unusual.  Zach shaved and put on his shoes, and the other guys just hung out, waiting for the next part of the day.  At one point, I looked over to see one of the groomsmen lying in repose on the hotel bed.  What made the composition on this one was, again, symmetry – the equal alignment of the lampshades with the bed centered between – and that I chose to bend my knees to be more level with the groomsman.  To have stood at normal height and to therefore have shot down on him would’ve totally wrecked the composition, to my way of seeing.  And positioning him at the bottom of the frame gives the viewer the sense of lying on a bed where the view is more of what’s above than what’s below, which is what he’s seeing.

Thanks to Fearless Photographers for recognizing this picture and giving it an award!

Why I Like This Picture – Jen and Alan

Number 10 on the website won an ISPWP award in the category of Kids Being Kids, and is from Jen and Alan’s wedding reception at The Columbus Athenaeum.  This poor little guy had been in a suit all day – hard for a guy of any age, I’m sure – and, at the reception, decided it was high time to start shedding some of it, starting with his shoe and then his sock.  Which, of course, led to close inspection of his cute little foot.  I love how he is completely enraptured by the bottom of his foot and completely oblivious to me.

Why I Like This Picture – Melissa and Phil

Installment #9, going through website images and providing commentary, continues with this shot from Melissa and Phil’s wedding at St. Francis of Assisi a couple years back.  It was just minutes prior to the ceremony and an elderly relative of Melissa’s came into the bride’s holding room to put on a pair of pantyhose her husband purchased because she’d forgotten to bring them with her when traveling from out of town.  Now, I have to admit, I was not supposed to be shooting this, but the photographer in me just couldn’t resist trying to make a picture.  And the last thing I wanted to do was shoot her straight on, because that would be embarrassing to her and it would be, well, boring and obvious.  So, I turned away from the action and was able to capture exactly what was happening, at just the right moment in its progression, while maintaining her anonymity and making an interestingly composed picture.  Needless to say, I love this shot for everything it says and everything it doesn’t.

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