
I made this self-portrait tonight and thought you might like to see it! It was a challenge to make and I really like the way it turned out. See what you think!


I just learned of a new site for brides called Wedding Wire ( OK, it’s new to me!! It looks like an awesome resource, chockful of helpful wedding vendor reviews written by real brides. If you’ve had a great experience with me, I’d love it if you’d write a review on Wedding Wire! Share what you know and help others make great choices!

Thanks a bunch, all my wonderful clients!!!

Mmmmm Cake

Yesterday, I attended the Fabulous Food Show in Cleveland sponsored by the Food Network. Why? Because I like food! There were some yummy things to eat at the show, but I was totally blown away by the display of cakes made by the White Flower Cake Shoppe, located in Beachwood, Ohio. I know that’s pretty far away to get a cake for a Columbus wedding, but you should check it out nonetheless. I’m attaching a few shots I took of the amazing cakes!!

It’s almost hard to believe that this is a cake and not a stack of boxes!

I absolutely loved this cake. Notice how the design goes right down onto the plate!

More amazing cakes!

Yum, yum!

F a c e b o o k