Last Friday, I had the great pleasure to fly to D.C. to shoot Chaitali and Mike’s engagement session in and around their Virginia home and on the National Mall. While the weather was less than cooperative, it certainly added a different dimension to the images, in addition to our not hitting the typical D.C. spots. I love that we were able to do something unique and unexpected in a city full of recognizable landmarks. But that’s nothing compared to what a great time I had hanging out with Chaitali and Mike. We had a relaxed, fun time, and I’m looking forward to their wedding even more now!
It was hard to narrow down my favorites, but here is a generous handful:
We started at the old Torpedo Factory in Virginia which is now home to lots of art galleries.

A remnant of the factory’s former days.

A little umbrella trouble.

After lunch, we hit up one of their favorite haunts, Barnes & Noble. (It’s one of my favorites too! Hard not to stop and browse all the books!!)

Then back to their apartment for a quick change of clothes and a puppet nuzzle.

And a quick train ride to the National Mall.

We spent some time wandering around the beautiful grounds of the Smithsonian and managed to get in a few quick minutes without rain.

You can’t walk by a carousel without having a ride.

More beautiful Smithsonian gardens.

Yep, more rain.

This alphabet sculpture was very cool.

Our obligatory national landmark shot!

Thanks so much, Chaitali and Mike, for showing me such a great time in your city!
These are so fun, I absolutely love them! Thanks again. We had a wonderful time that day also.