Why I Like This Picture – Caitlin and Jay

The last post had a very old image and this one has a very new image.  This image was from Caitlin and Jay’s wedding at The Grand Valleydale Ballroom, a historic dance venue in NE Columbus.  The bride’s holding room was less than ideal, with very low ceilings and really crappy lighting.  Thanks to great camera equipment and my penchant for eking out even the tiniest of light sources for great effect, I was able to make this picture of the moments leading to the ceremony when bride and bridesmaids were applying the finishing touches before walking down the aisle.  I shot a number of frames during this time, waiting for the bridesmaid on the right to be in just the right storytelling position.  She was quite active for a bit, standing straight up, looking off to the side, etc., but when she bent to fuss with the veil, I knew that was my moment.


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