It’s that time of year again – the newest issue of Columbus Bride magazine is out on the newsstands (or at least available at my house, where the delivery guy dropped a gigantic box today). And, as usual, I’m excited to report that a number of images of my clients are featured. I’m always very happy for my clients’ 15 minutes of fame, and love it when they get a Featured Wedding or a large spread that introduces a particular section of the magazine. Especially when they head up the Photography section and have the fabulous headline of “Simply the Best”. Even though I’m smart enough to know that headline is not referring specifically to me, I’m going to act like it is because it makes me feel really good! So there.
Here is my ad (on pg. 153), and the images of my fabulous clients, Jeni and Robbie, Hannah and Kurt, Summer and Dustin, and Katherine and Chris. Congratulations to all of you!!