Amanda and Ernesto – Columbus, Ohio wedding

I knew from Amanda and Ernesto’s engagement session that the wedding would be hot hot hot. Of course, we had plenty of hot weather, thanks to the heat wave returning to Ohio just in time for their wedding, but the hot hot hot I’m referring to especially means all the sparks flying between Amanda and Ernesto. Wow. We began the day in Amanda’s hotel room at the Hyatt on Capitol Square, ran across the street for some quicky portraits, then on to Holy Cross Catholic Church for their beautiful ceremony full of love and traditions of Ernesto’s Mexican heritage. Then it was on to the Large Theatre at The Athenaeum for the reception, where the dancing was at fever pitch and oh so beautiful. At times, it was all I could do to shoot it – I was so mesmerized by Amanda and Ernesto’s sultry – and perfect! – dancing that I found myself just wanting to watch, it was so beautiful! You could definitely tell that they’d shut out the entire world when they were dancing with each other.

But, enough rambling – you want to see pictures!!

Congratulations, Amanda and Ernesto, and thank you for having us share your day!!

Kevin Keefer - August 17, 2009 - 1:08 pm

I am digging this, great job! Miss you girl.

Columbus Bride Magazine photography - October 28, 2010 - 10:38 am

[…] Amanda and Ernesto The Columbus Athenaeum […]

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