The Workshop – The First Day

On the heels of three intensive presentations on photojournalism given by three unbelievably amazing photographers, we were asked to pair up with another workshop participant to make portraits of each other. I found that exercise to be quite challenging considering all that I’d just listened to, but I had a beautiful subject to work which made the assignment a little easier.

Here are two images I made of Jessica Roark, of epagafoto in Kansas City, MO. You can find her at

And here is a series that she took of me and which I strung together for an updated bio page on my website. Yay! I hate most pictures of me, so I was thrilled to receive what she shot because she really did capture me. Thanks so much to Jessica!!

Jessica - March 22, 2008 - 1:26 am

Hi! I just stumbled to your blog and look what I found I’m so glad to see your images from our portrait session. I’ll keep posted to your blog 🙂

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